The Prince, Saudi Arabia's The Sleeping Prince.
A true story about a sleeping prince.
You read it correctly prince Khalid bin Al-Waleed.
Al-Saud a Saudi businessman and investor and prince of Al-Saud.
He fell into a coma.
Who is the “Sleeping Prince”.
Though due to a horrific car accident in London even since then prince Khalid bin Al-Waleed, he has been referred to as the sleeping prince.
Prince Al-Waleed has been on a ventilator since 2005 after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage in a car accident while attending a military college at that time the doctors decided to separate the devices
however his father refused to do so.
He has refused to give up his son in hopes to wake up one day.
The sleeping prince was among those held for 11 months for criticizing a crackdown on the kingdom's elite that saw dozens of princes officials and top businessmen imprisoned at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Riyadh in 2017.
He was briefly rearrested the following year however his name was acquitted in corruption in 2018.
He suffered a tragic traffic accident in London that plunged him into a coma at first the father kept his injured son in the specialized medical center hospital in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
He had been undergoing extensive and professional health care for 15 years later they reportedly took him home in early 2016 after a decade in hospital as a brain dead patient.
It should be noted that he lived 16 years of his life normally and has lived more than two decades of sleep Sleeping Prince.
So far the sleeping prince is being monitored to watch for any reaction or improvement he may develop
according to reports in 2019 the security camera caught him moving his head left and right after 14 years of sleep.
Every time he moves or responds to any part of his body the sleeping prince hits the hottest news on social media and his videos go viral.
Then again in October the prince responded in a coma with his hand when his aunt princess Niraben Talaban Abdulaziz through him last October, sorry but that's true money does not buy happiness.
The king's powerful son's life changed due to a car accident unfortunately even with all the money in
the world and a luxurious lifestyle, it can't be brought back to life.
With that his father being a man of great faith believes that ALLAH will return his son at some point.
There is no doubt that the love of a parent is wonderful and incomparable at present no improvement has been reported his family still hoped that his entire body would regain the ability to move soon.
We hope that the sleeping prince will recover. It will be a feast in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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