Autism, Symptoms, myths and Awareness.

 Autism is a developmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction & behavior. It's s a spectrum disorder which means it affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. Autism stems from differences in biology that have an influence on brain development. Autism is a lifelong condition. That doesn't mean that children can't make significant improvements in their language and social abilities over time. They may just like all children but children do not just grow out of autism. Autism is usually diagnosed in early childhood and it affects more boys than girls. 

Autism awareness is critical because it helps us to understand and support individuals with autism. One of the biggest challenges for individuals with autism is social interaction. They may have difficulty for understanding social cues, making eye contact and engaging in conversation. It is important to be patient and understanding when interacting with individuals with autism. Many People on the spectrum have quality friendships. Social interaction difficulties & anxiety can sometimes mean, making friends is a struggle but this should never be confused with a lack of desire to have friendships. The vast majority of children & adults on the spectrum do like to socialize and that just means socializing in a different way.

Another challenge for individuals with autism is sensory issues. They may be hypersensitive or hyposensitive to certain stimuli, such as noise, light, or touch. This can be overwhelming and cause anxiety or discomfort. It is important to be aware of these sensitivities and make accommodations when possible. 

There are many misconceptions about autism and it is important to dispel these myths. One of the most common myths is that individuals with autism lack empathy. This is not true. While individuals with autism may have difficulty to express empathy, they are capable of feeling empathy. Autism may affect a person's ability to understand subtle emotional cues such as tone of language or body language but when emotions are communicated more directly there's a wealth of evidence showing that children and adults on the spectrum are even more likely to feel empathy for others.

Another myth is that autism is caused by bad parenting or vaccines. 100%, categorically, no. There are no scientific proofs to support these claims. Autism is a neurological disorder that is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There have been literally thousands of studies in this area and all of them have found no association between vaccinations and autism.

Not all the people on the spectrum have savant skills. It is true that around 10% of autistic people have skills such as mathematics or drawing that are of extraordinary ability, but this is really just a small proportion of the full numbers of individuals diagnosed with autism. It is best to look this caricature and see the extraordinary individuals that lies beyond the diagnosis.

Not all people on the spectrum are same. Not every child will be great at mathematics. Not every child will repeat back words. Not every child will have difficulty speaking, and not every child will have hand mannerisms. Every child & adult on the autism spectrum is different full of their own unique talents, personalities and yes, challenges. The label autism doesn't mean one thing. What it is is a gateway to understanding a whole new way of thinking about the world and those children and adults are to be cherished for that fact.

People on the spectrum can have a great sense of humor. The assumption that people on the spectrum don't have a sense of humor is absolutely false. Probably the funniest conversations I've ever had have been with autistic kids and adults and they absolutely run rings around me and telling jokes.

People on the spectrum are no more violent than others. Don't be fooled by the news stories that you may see. There are no evidence that individuals on the spectrum are more violent than the rest of the population. None. 

Many individuals on the spectrum have successful romantic relationships. Many people on the spectrum are in wonderful loving romantic relationships. Just like the rest of the community, not every person on the spectrum chooses to be in a romantic relationship but that is not the same as not being capable of doing so. 

Not all people on the spectrum have intellectual disability. Many people on the spectrum have intellectual disabilities and also many do not. Just because someone may have communication difficulties does not mean, they also have intellectual disabilities. What it means that we have to assess intelligence in a different way. A way that does not rely so heavy on communication skills. 

Autism awareness is important because it promotes understanding and acceptance. By learning about autism, we can create a more inclusive society where individuals with autism are valued and supported. We can also provide resources and services that can help individuals with autism to reach their full potential. 

In conclusion, autism is a complex disorder that affects people differently. Autism awareness is critical because it helps us to understand and support individuals with autism. By promoting understanding and acceptance, we can create a more inclusive society where everyone can thrive.